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HomeDid You Know? Club Express Updates

Did You Know?
Using Club Express

July 2021


Did You Know You Can Add Or Change Your Basic Member Information?


Once you have logged into the website, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner. Then click on “Profile”.

Basic Member Information allows you to update your contact information, address, birthday, spouse’s information, etc.  This information is not available to anyone who is not a member, and you can limit that also.  Make sure you save your updates (at the bottom of the page). 


Additional Member Data allows you to select the area(s) of interest in the League. This information is shared with the Board and the Chair of the activity/committee. Again, remember to save your updates before hitting “cancel” to return to the Member Profile page.


Standard Member Directory allows you to add more general information, add a picture of yourself if you would like to and share any information about yourself and your involvement with the League over the years.


Your profile is a great place to share why became a member of the League and all the events and activities you have been involved in.


I will offer Zoom training on using Club Express beginning in August.

Your Webmaster,


Gregg Schneider

June 2021

Did You Know This About The Menus?

The website is still a work in progress. I am adding new information all the time.  The main Menu/Tabs will remain the same, but what is under them…


Home will always return you to the main page.


About has all the information about the League, thew Position Statements, how to contact the Officers of the Board, Membership, Social Media, and temporarily, the Webmaster. There are also links to the nation and state League as well as the LWV Upper Mississippi River Region.


The Calendar/Events tab includes the calendar and information about the events present, past, and future.


Teams at Work has descriptions of the committees, workgroups, and activities of the League (still being updated – but check it out) under “Interests”.  Then check out the “Committees” where you can see the team members and can SIGN ME UP to become part of the team.  Team information and pages will be added here in the future. It also has future Volunteer opportunities listed.


Under Elected Representatives, you can find who your elected officials are, local, county, state, national.


Elections cover everything about elections and voter information.

News is where you can find the current and past League Lines and the Beloit League in the newspaper and other media.


Go to Join to find information on joining the League and/or to donate.  You will be sent an email when it is time to renew your membership with directions.


Your Webmaster,

Gregg Schneider

May 2021

Did You Know This About Club Express?

Did you know that there is so much more to our website if you log in?  The home page has more information that is not available to everyone not logged in. You can see who the new members are and member birthdays and anniversaries. There may be special announcements or information for League members.


You can enter information about yourself that only other members can see. You can select what others can see and what information to share.


We can add documents to Club Express instead of filling up your computer or creating a google drive.


You will then have access to documents, photos, and pages that you can only see if you log in. So… log in and explore.


In August, I will begin offering Zoom Information Sessions on using our webpage and the features of Club Express.


If you need help logging in email me at or under Contact Us under the “About” tab at the top of the website.


Your Webmaster,


Gregg Schneider