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Letter to Zonning Board

Susan Adams | Published on 8/3/2022

League of Women Voters – Aug 3 –

I am Susan E Adams, Secretary of the LWV – Beloit, Board.

I live at 703 Milwaukee Road, Beloit


I am speaking for the League of Women Voters – Beloit in favor of the ordinance to allow smaller houses.  This would amend the zoning ordinance pertaining to minimum dwelling width and floor area and that pertaining to minimum lot size.

We have studied the housing and the homelessness issue here in our area, and believe this change would allow more homeownership and decrease homelessness. Currently, we have about 50% rentals in Beloit, and there are not enough rentals people can afford. Since the passage of Act 176 (2016) it is difficult for the city to enforce housing codes if landlords don’t maintain their property.

The new apartments are too expensive for many of our residents, and there are very few houses for sale that people can afford. 

We understand that one of this ordinance’s provisions is that each request for an exception to the 25 ft width or 1000 square ft minimum go through an approval process.  This process would help maintain stability of property and land use and maintain neighborhood character.  These are provisions that our league supports.

In supporting this change, we are relying on our past study and consensus on zoning, of housing and of homelessness,

This ordinance change will not solve all the problems mentioned, but it may give more people access, and give people hope that some  day they may be able to afford to own a home. 

Positions – were  …. specifically, these points:

  • We support – under zoning
  • a zoning ordinance that maintains stability of property and land use while allowing a measure of flexibility to meet the needs of changing situations.
  • A zoning ordinance and process that is accessible and responsive to all citizens regardless of their education or socioeconomic background.

We support – under housing

  • coordination with regional and local, public and private, efforts to secure adequate low-income housing in Beloit and for the greater Beloit area.
  • city policies which maintain a neighborhood’s existing character through sensitive redevelopment, revitalization, and rezoning.

We support – under homelessness

  • programs which provide housing for people experiencing homelessness.