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City of Beloit Ad Hoc Comprehensive Plan Committee

Bette Carr | Published on 6/14/2023
June 12, 2023

This letter is in response to Ms. Christensen’s email to the LWV of Beloit after our League Action Chair, Susan Adams, voiced concern with the lack of gender parity on the committee. Ms. Christensen suggested that a focus group with the League and other organizations could be part of the city’s comprehensive plan committee’s duties since the Council has already voted in the ad hoc committee members.

To Julie Christensen, City Council Members:

Thank you, Julie, for reaching out to the League of Women Voters of Beloit to suggest a focus group meeting with the League to seek input on the city’s comprehensive plan. We think this would be a great idea. We will expect to hear more about this from you.

We did have several league members who reached out to Julie for inclusion on the
comprehensive plan committee but were never asked to be a final member. The Council was presented with a slate of committee members recommended by Julie, with no additional names from which to choose. We are concerned that there are no environmental experts on the panel, as well as far fewer women than men.

As Julie said several times in her presentation, “it is up to the Council to decide who will be on the comprehensive plan committee.” Although we are concerned with the process used for forming the committee, we realize that the Council has already voted on this; however, to ameliorate the problem with gender equity and sustainability, two to three more women/environmental experts could be chosen. According to Roberts’ Rules of Order Newly Revised - In Brief 2020, the council can rescind or amend a motion from an earlier meeting at a later meeting. Julie said that the plan does not have to be carried out by a certain date and so we ask that the council consider requesting additional members to be on this very important committee.

Thank you for your consideration.

Submitted by
Bette Carr

Bette Carr, LWV of Beloit, Convenor, 1732 Oakwood Ave., Beloit, WI
Susan Adams, LWV of Beloit, Action Chair, 703 Milwaukee Rd., Beloit, WI
Cc: Jerry Gabrielatos